While caring for his sick friend Mylinh, David Horvitz made an intriguing discovery related to the number 241543903, spotted on a package of frozen soba noodles and a bag of edamame. This unusual numeric sequence, sitting amongst the serial number and the barcodes, sparked his curiosity. Upon further research, he found out that this number is associated with an internet phenomenon known as “Heads in Freezers.” People from around the globe were posting a freezer image of their heads tucked inside the icy compartments and tagging these photos with the number 241543903. This clever strategy dramatically improved the search engine optimization for these images. Consequently, when “241543903” was entered into an image search engine, the results yielded countless images of individuals showcasing their heads in freezers.
my favorite useless fact to this day is that googling “241543903” will show you pictures of people with their head in their freezer pic.twitter.com/kIyoP4Gjgm
— juice (@RealSlimTerrel) May 6, 2022
Because San Francisco MOMA told me to #241543903 pic.twitter.com/tHj0tgkAy5
— Trauma Queen (@tough_noodle) May 11, 2019
Heads in freezer.
If you type “241543903” into Google Images it shows pictures of people putting their heads in freezers. pic.twitter.com/w7VhNmXWei— Carolyne Mbithe (@CarolyneMbithe) August 5, 2020
241543903 reasons… pic.twitter.com/I22OtMGpHX
— Ro₿erth Edberg (@RobEdb) February 17, 2017
241543903 “google images” pic.twitter.com/FY9RZo0zrf
— Austin Spangler (@Austin_Spangler) September 8, 2013